About Feng Shui

Feng Shui, literally meaning 'wind and water' - is a beautiful philosophy about harmony and balance in life; teaching us to respect nature and cultivate for ourselves balanced, supporting, harmonious and inspiring living spaces so that we experience happiness, joy, prosperity and fulfilment in life.

balanced golden stones

What can I offer you

Darina with orange necklace

I help you design and create a well-balanced, supporting and uplifting living space for you and your family; a place where you feel inspired and happy, and you experience prosperity, joy, creativity and happiness.

Our homes have became more important than ever, improving them  became neccessity and priority. Home has become a place of work as well as haven of rest.

I want to help create living spaces that have the power to elevate the soul, dignify and provide a better quality of life. Feng Shui can help. It can bring a perfect balance, harmony and comfort into your home in a manner that is difficult to achieve by any other means which will positively influence your wellbeing and happiness.

Graduating in Building Physics at the Technical University in Bratislava I studied the impact of the indoor climate of buildings & constructions on people’s health. I complemented my knowledge of how to create healthy interiors with a certificate in Feng Shui from the Chinese Academy Qing Bai.

I love to combine science and spirituality in my work. Knowledge, enthusiasm, and warm personality are the magic behind my success with clients. I connect with people’s hearts and show them how to fall in love with their own home.

I offer inspiring workshops, courses and personal consultations.

Press (Media)

  1. Inspiring blog on  Ideal Room for Your Child publishe by DelftMama, Juni 2021
  2. Your Home Office with Feng Shui guidelines – my article published in FEM (Feminist Entrepreneurs Magazine), June 2022

Would you like to talk to me about your home interior?

Book a free online session with me!

Latest events


Shop – Relax Zentrum – Abcoude, The Netherlands

Brown Couch apartment Nice

Buildings Apartment in Nice, France

Couch lamp plant case study

Office spaceTower of the World Trade Centre – Amsterdam, The Netherlands